How did we go from DevOps Culture to DevOps Teams?The first time I was presented to the term "DevOps" it was like getting out of a prison. The first sights of freedom after years of…Nov 25, 2020Nov 25, 2020
Building Great TeamsTo build great teams, two important ingredients are required: an inspiring long-term vision and a culture of transparency and co-creation…Apr 15, 2020Apr 15, 2020
Connected CommunitiesI believe in small organizations. I believe that small organizations enables us, human beings, not only to share a collective purpose, but…Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Agile Transformation againAgile has been here for a couple of decades right know. Some people say it is dead already. But, in fact, most of the companies in the…Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
New Digital OrganizationsWe can find a lot of possible definitions for the expression “Digital Organization”. Probably, the most accepted ones seems like this one…Apr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020
Books are meant to clarify what you don’t knowIt is common to hear someone say they know something after reading a book about it. Sorry, but you got it wrong. Search the books for the…Apr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020
Leadership is always an emergent process. No roles apply.It is tempting to add the word “leader” to roles across the company organisation chart. Please, don’t fool yourself.Apr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020